5 Reasons To Consider An Ayurvedic Seasonal Cleanse
Alexandra Sargent: January 28, 2021
Without proper nutrition, medicine is of little use..
With proper nutrition, medicine is of little need.
-Caraka Samhita, 2000 year old Ayurvedic text
The knowledge of Ayurveda comes from the Vedas, which are the oldest recorded texts of knowledge on the planet. Any system of healing, from Chinese to Western Medicine, stems from Ayurveda.
What we see today is that most people wait until they are sick to take care of themselves. Or they wait until something can show up on a medical test- like cancer, and oftentimes it's too late or much more difficult to turn things around. Despite amazing diagnostic machines and designer-crafted medicines, our society is suffering from preventable epidemics of heart disease, cancer, and infectious illness.
Of equal importance is the recognition that a large segment of our population, while not demonstrating full-blown evidence of disease, is nevertheless not living in a true state of health.
The underlying message of Ayurveda is that health is more than the mere absence of disease: but rather it is a dynamic integration of our environment, body, mind, and spirit. Our bodies capacity for resiliency is amazing and understated these days. True health is a return to our connection with nature and ultimately reflects a state of higher consciousness.
This is what Ayurveda offers us.
Ritucharya is a sanskrit word for seasonal routines; they are an essential practice in Ayurveda, especially during the major transitory seasons like spring and fall equinox.
Ayurveda recommends cleansing during these seasonal transitions to help ease us through the change in our external environment, and to cultivate inner and outer vitality, health and radiance.
Additional reasons to consider an Ayurvedic Cleanse:
1. Modern Living Has Weakened Our Digestive Capacity, And Allowed Toxins To Take Root In Our Bodies- Which Lead To Disease.
The remedy for this situation is seasonal cleansing. The miracle of the human body is that it has a natural healing intelligence which is capable of constantly renewing itself. Our body’s capacity for resiliency is astounding, all we have to do is tend to it with more care and attention.
2. A Pandemic And A Global Health Reality Check.
This pandemic unveiled a harsh reality- that the blueprints for living a healthy life have become lost, and a huge population of the world is vulnerable as a result. Viruses are here to stay, they have been here since the beginning of time and they are part of our evolution forward. One of the best things we can do is to make our body’s more resilient so when we come into contact with them- our immune system is prepared to take care of us. Ayurveda teaches us that we are not passive victims of pathogenic forces. We can have a substantial impact on our quality of life through the day to day choices we make, and through certain annual rituals like seasonal cleansing.
3. Ayurveda Is The True Origin Point Of All Cleanses.
Modern day cleanses became very trendy in the last 30 years, partially from Hollywood celebs, fitness gurus, and health food obsessives; and unfortunately they have become additive, used as eating food disorder substitutes, and have lost their sacred and powerful purpose. An Ayurvedic cleanse like, Cleanse and Rejuvenate, will help your body gently eliminate toxins through a powerful process of renewal and healing.
4. The Science Of Rejuvenation.
Seasonal cleansing is a preventative approach to your health. Benefits of committing to an Ayurvedic Cleanse include increased vitality, energy, improved quality of sleep, digestive strength, increased immunity and overall well being.
5. Invitation For Transformation.
Taking the time for self care coupled with this powerful, rich wisdom of nature not only offers us potent healing- but the space to discover a new, vibrant part of our being. Beyond the physical benefits, Ayurvedic Cleansing has been shown to improve overall mental and emotional well being.
I hope this article sparked some part of your own internal wisdom that perhaps now is the time you will create the space to give yourself the ultimate TLC your body is worthy of! For more information check out Spring 2021 Cleanse and Rejuvenate!
The science of Ayurveda does not recommend individuals to cleanse who are pregnant, breast feeding, extremely ill, have extremely high blood pressure, menstruating, or recovering from any acute condition. But you can reach out to me for other ways to support your well being.