Wild Hart Ayurveda PostPartum Care
The choices that you make as a new mom in the first 42 Days will influence your health and ability to mother and partner well for the next 42 years!” - Jenna Furnari, Ayurvedic Mamas
Ayurveda is an ancient system of holistic healing that holds extremely potent wisdom for new mamas in this modern world. This system of individualized medicine looks at the window of the postpartum period as a time where greatest healing and rejuvenation is needed for mothers.
Ayurvedic postpartum care can provide you as a new mother the space to look within for that state of deep alignment that is necessary to thrive as a nurturer in today’s modern world. Your natural state of health is the birthright of every mother and when a mother thrives in this world - so does her family. Ayurveda says that receiving care in the first six weeks after birth sets up patterns for mother and baby that last a lifetime. It can even benefit unborn generations! Ayurveda says that the complete health of the mother - mind, body and spirit - determines the health and wellbeing of your brand new baby. What new mamas need the most is a system of support to help you take care of your health- then we will not only have a healthy baby but the entire household will benefit.
The Four Pillars of rebuilding a mothers health are
Healing foods & herbs
Mom deserves nothing less than highly nutritious, freshly prepared, delicious foods that will help mom through the rebuilding process for those critical weeks after birth.
Breathwork & meditation
In the first 42 days meditation and breathwork are powerful tools for connecting the mother to what is taking place in her heart, this is how prana is built. These practices allow for an open safe space that is accessible so the mother can be back in her body once more.
Daily self-care
Traditionally Ayurveda advises that a new mom should receive a snehan (warm oil massage) every day for the first 42 days. This powerful treatment offers new moms much needed relaxation, pampering, and healing as the warm oil nourishes her body, mind, and spirit.
Having additional support so that mom can have as much quiet time and rest as possible, allowing mom to focus on her own healing and connecting with her baby.
“Alexandra is an incredible healer, chef, masseuse, and inspiration. I found her while on my second postpartum journey and am so glad that I invested in her care package. This was the first time I made such an investment in myself and it instantly paid off as I felt refreshed, nurtured, and well fed in the first weeks postpartum. Alexandra is easy to communicate with and has the education and experience to provide personalized care in the weeks after childbirth. I cannot recommend her enough and will continue to lean on her for education and her amazing massages skills.
Package Information
My main goal of providing Ayurvedic postpartum doula care is to have you, the mother, feel as balanced and nourished as you can while entering into this new, precious time with your little one. These packages were created to meet the variety of needs that a new mother will have. Follow the link HERE to learn more!