“I talk in order to understand; I teach in order to learn”
Robert Frost
Lost in the woods: Where I Would be without Jyotish (Vedic Astrology)
An astrologer said that your chart should not come as a revelation; it should come as permission. This is who I am.
In that who I am, we have infinite potential.
Ayurveda 101
“Don’t bring me down” is not only an iconic 60s rock song written by The Animals, it is also an everlasting, lifelong theme for many of us as we navigate our way through the material world.
Slow Down Darling You're Moving Too Fast
The more we pay closer attention to what the natural world is intrinsically doing, the deeper sense of ease and surrender we will find.
Guidelines for greater well being are not hidden.
Ayurvedic Ode to Autumn
“Now is not the time to run wildly with your arms in the air. Walk slowly in the warmth of the the fall sun, and hold yourself tenderly. “ -AS
You Can Call Me Sargent Suffrage
If you know wilderness like you know love, you would be unwilling to let it go… This is the story of our past and it will be the story of our future.
Terry Tempest Williams
Rules Are Chains For a Spirit That Yearns To Fly Free
There aren’t any rules in Ayurveda; there is simply wisdom, awareness, and choice. Wisdom to know what your unique body needs. Awareness around what we are creating, experiencing and doing. And choice, we always have the choice to say yes to something or to say no thank you.
Disco, Ghee, Rice
These two things are true:
life is meant to be celebrated.
we are designed for health and happiness
Beauty Is From The Inside Out
“Beauty is not a veneer upon things, it is not skin deep; it is not something added to make an ugly thing acceptable. It belongs to the nature of the thing made.” Unknown
You Are What You Seek To Find
“If a woman, it is said in a tantra, abandons herself often enough to the dreams that spring from her heart, the mood that arises will color the whole of her person.” Mulk Raj Anand & Krishna
Nature Has Built You For This
The truth remains that we are all on our own unique path. Your journey is for you to walk alone and your job is to be true to the process. The process of unfolding deeper into yourself and unraveling the great narrative of your life.
Advice From The Hart
Know when to lay low
Cherish wide open spaces
Appreciate life's high points
Be at home in the woods
Rock, Bone, River, Body
I am rock, animal, splinter, and bone.
Can you imagine
I am the bear in the cliffside cave
or the lightning in the sky.
You are beyond what I can imagine.
Thoughts On Living A Creative Life
Our creative spark demands that we return our attention to the things in life that inspire us because it knows that those things are the true forces of gravity