Nature Has Built You For This

wild hart ayurveda

You know what I love about nature- she accepts me for who I am. Whole heartedly. All of my flaws, all of my mistakes, my failures in grace. No matter what, she welcomes me with open arms every time I come into her home.

Lately I have been thinking about how judgements are a slippery slope. When we decide what other should be doing or how they should be living, nobody wins. Yet they are deeply a part of the human experience. Judgments can also be useful: they allow us to make sensible decisions; like to treat other with kindness, to not litter, to brush our teeth every morning.

But the truth remains that we are all on our own unique path. Your journey is for you to walk alone and your job is to be true to the process. The process of unfolding deeper into yourself and unraveling the great narrative of your life.

I find deep solace in this regard- it sort of lifts the pressure of whatever society or my family or friends told me Im supposed to be or do. Only I can walk that line; and guess what?

This is what we were born for.

Nature and the cosmos have built you for this moment, and provided you with everything you could possibly need .

Even if you reject this exploration, even if you know nothing of this mandate, or refuse to think about it, there is a vital life force inside of you that begs for your attention. That demands that you live your life like nature intended. That life force is more alive than your blood pumping though your veins and more difficult to resist than the prospect of love or procreation.

Nature provides us with the greatest adventure of our life.

Ready or not. You have been called.


You Are What You Seek To Find


Advice From The Hart