You Are What You Seek To Find


“If a woman, it is said in a tantra, abandons herself often enough to the dreams that spring from her heart, the mood that arises will color the whole of her person.” Mulk Raj Anand & Krishna

There is a story from the Rishis that was shared as an allegory to unfold their knowledge of life; and of course I love it because it involves a deer.

The great seers of the past, or Rishis, recognized that all of the manifest universe is an expression of pure intelligence- consciousness- and therefore we can find this intelligence everywhere in nature- even in the actions of animals.

So in this story there was a restless deer who seemed to forage the woods in a ceaseless search. The deer was attracted by a beautiful aroma that was always in the air. But despite her search for it far and wide, she never discovered its source. The sad-eyed deer didn’t know that the irresistible scent was the musk from her own belly. Only when she looks within will she find the perfection she was seeking.

How often do you feel like the restless deer? Are you endlessly searching the woods to find meaning, to feel good? Have you been searching in the woods a long time? I think many of us have.

Modern living has made many of us think that the beauty and happiness we seek lies on the outside. That it will be fulfilled by our partner, our career, by having children, by looking a certain way, or by acquiring more material possessions.

While certainly all of these things are a part of being human, I think we all need to stop being the deer endlessly searching the woods and smell the beautiful aroma of our own being.

To stop and marvel at the wonder of you in this moment, perfectly imperfect, a divine expression of nature and the cosmos. Always and forever.

What the great seers recognized and left behind for us in the Vedas was directions for living a life full of beauty, honesty, simplicity, loving kindness and connection; and if these esoteric directions make me a witch, then so be it. The world needs more witches now more than ever.

We need more witches to remind ourselves that you are what you seek to find. It already resides within you. The beauty and harmony you desire is attainable. It is your birthright. Welcome home. Onward and inward.


Beauty Is From The Inside Out


Nature Has Built You For This