Disco, Ghee, Rice
These two things are true:
Life is meant to be celebrated.
We are designed for health and happiness.
While camping a couple of weeks ago on the coast, my boyfriend and I were gazing out at the ocean as I contemplated on what a delight it is to live and be present in this beautiful world.
The ocean cliffs, the sound of the waves crashing, the birds singing, the flowers blooming, the blue skies, the salty air, the warm feeling of the sun on my skin. Mama nature was beaming all around us, and we were blessed to be relaxing in her presence.
While cooking rice in my pressure cooker and dancing around to some groovy tunes, I am reminded that everything we do and consume can be medicine, and dancing with my bare feet in the grass instantly lights my spirit up.
Life is meant to be celebrated and we are designed for wellness. The more I choose things that bring me increased health and wellness the more I can vibrantly celebrate life; and the more that things which did not serve my health fall to the wayside.
This is freedom,
it is open and vast like the ocean,
and I am a deep sea diver.