Your Most Vital Resource …
As the brisk morning Minnesota air filled my lungs, I felt alert, alive, and present. I could feel my energy moving through me in a balanced way after taking care of myself for several days. That always feels good. I lightly smiled looking over the pond in front of me as I began the short walk over to where I would practice agni hotra, a vedic fire ceremony ritual.
This led me to reflect on my energy. Our energy, is an intangible, elusive thing; yet extremely powerful, perhaps the most vital resource we have. If we take care of ourselves and are mindful of how we use it, we will have an abundant supple to use throughout our day and live our life with joy and vitality. But if we spread ourselves thin, try to please too many people, compromise good quality sleep, or let other people’s opinion of us affect us; all of these things will drain our energy and ultimately leave our cup more empty than full.
Some important things to remember about energy.
High quality, freshly preparred food, meditation, time spent in nature, moving our body, deep breathing, connecting with others who inspire us, and good quality sleep give us energy. Eating leftovers, watching TV, extended use of electronics, lethargy, sleeping in/ staying up late, being around people who complain a lot and a lack of sunlight will deplete our energy.
Money is simply an exchange of energy. It never feels good to those around you if you are withholding of it. Being generous is so important for the laws of nature to unfold in your life, because Nature is abundance. She is never withholding. If she was our whole world would collapse. Think about how that principle has perhaps effected your life and your experience of money.
Never let someone else’s energy enter your space, especially if it was negative. Ground down into the earth, and bring that abundant, ever-flowing, positive, uplifting energy into your being and remember that this is your true nature.
There are two powerful words to think of when learning to cultivate this most vital resource.
YES and NO. One of my teachers reflected how being around her Guru made her realize he was always a yes. Yes to anything his students needed from him or to ask him. When people are a yes to us it feels good. It feels generous; and we are here to be generous with each other. But remember, this is an important principle to apply if you are saying yes to things that align with your purpose, or your dharma.
For most of us, we need to become comfortable with the word NO. You simply can not be everywhere, for everyone, giving your energy away all the time. We have to cultivate healthy boundaries, even with the people that we love. What you will find is that when you say no to the things that might drain your energy, what you are doing is saying YES to the things you want your energy to flow towards.
Fall is a time for reflection; I will leave you with these questions to ponder.
What do you need to say no to?
By saying no, what are you saying yes to?
What unnecessary guilt do you need to release to be comfortable saying no?
What do you need to do to show up with your full power?
What do you need to do to take care of your energy?
Say yes to your highest self. The no will easily find its way.