5 Ways to Improve Immunity With Ayurveda
“In Ayurveda, we don’t see immunity as not merely being a matter of washing your hands, but rather as an entire lifestyle.”
The concept of immunity is fundamental to Ayurveda’s approach to health maintenance and disease prevention. Ayurveda has some simple yet powerful tools for optimizing our immunity that can be applied throughout all the stages of life.
In Ayurveda, immunity also results from excellent digestion. Long before the gut microbiome and the concept of the gut as the second brain were discovered, the ancient sages knew that a balanced digestion is key to overall health and immunity to disease.
Vyadhi-Kshamatva is an Ayurvedic term for natural and acquired immunity. It describes the connection between the immune system, the nervous system, and digestive health. It helps us understand why inflammation, gut dysbiosis, and emotional disturbances can trigger an under-active immune response.
The influence of the mind and emotion on our immunity is a very new system that has been studied in the past four or five decades, known as psychoneuroimmunology. This studies the effect of the central nervous system on various factors responsible for immune response. But Ayurveda knew long ago the power our emotions have on our physical body. This is why stress, fear, anxiety, anger, worry, and sadness all negatively impact our immune function. In the ancient texts it is actually said that at the root of all disease; is fear. Ayurveda recognizes the deep interconnection that our digestion and our emotions have on our immune system. This relationship enables us to move forward in life by influencing these things positively and consciously.
Ayurveda provides us with the tools to withstand the change that unfolds around us. It aims us in the direction of of homeostasis; providing us with a resilient immune system.
Factors that act negatively on our Immunity.
1. Imbalance diet: Overeating, undereating, eating poor quality foods, eating highly processed foods, eating out often, eating too quickly or unconsciously, all of these factors weaken our immune system. Additionally eating disorders like chronic overexertion, anorexia, and chronic fasting can also lead to nutritional imbalance and weak immunity.
2. Excessive alcohol intake: Physicians would all agree on the impact of alcohol on resistance and recovery from illness. Modern research has shown that regular alcohol intake can weaken immune systems effectiveness against common pathogens or viruses.
3. Irregular sleep. This includes staying up too late, irregular sleeping patterns, lack of sleep, or interrupted sleep. Sleep is one of the four pillars in health in Ayurveda. Having a consistent sleeping schedule that honors the rising and setting of the sun can have a tremendously positive impact on our immunity.
4. High stress: Ayurveda already knew the impact of the mind body connection. Now, modern research has indeed found that stress increases the cortisol levels in blood reducing the focus on immune system nourishment.
5. Obesity: Excess weight gain can itself be an indicator of an imbalance in digestive strength and hormonal function. Lack of moving the body and its negative effect on immunity is also well researched.
6. Chronic medications: Any kind of processed, chemical medication, even supplements and vitamins, taxes the liver and is processed by the body as a toxin. Long term use of antibiotics and other medications are also proven to be detrimental for immunity.
7. Dehydration: Water is life, and we are mostly made of this fluid. Various studies show that not taking in enough water reduces the effectiveness of the body’s resistance mechanism.
Factors that Strengthen Your Immunity
1. A well balanced diet: Made with freshly prepared, local, organic foods, prepared with all six tastes, that is balanced with enough building/cleansing foods, and is made with love.
2. Movement. Having a regular yoga practice is powerful, or simple try starting your day with some intuitive movement, stretching, or a short walk outside. Exercise doesn’t have to be aggressive, it just has to be consistent.
3. Include a variety of spices into your cooking. Spices such as turmeric, ginger, black pepper, cumin, and cardamom help our digestion, reduce cell damage, and maintain our body’s chemical balance.
4. Regular cleansing plans. Committing to a cleanse at the Spring or Fall equinox such as Pancha Karma or a simple kitchari cleanse helps our body eliminate toxins which accumulate in the tissues and eventually lead us to disease. Taking the time to do it once a year is extremely powerful. I can’t recommend it enough.
5. Rest. Conscious rest and relaxation are so important. This is very different from watching a movie, reading a book, or scrolling on your phone. When we let our minds and bodies rest, we then allow our energy to be redirected to the internal healing that your body is always trying to have take place.
5 ways to boost your immunity
1. Drink warm water throughout your day: Yes, and I mean even in the summertime. Not only does the warm water temp support your digestive fire, it also helps keep the throat and mucous membrane moist, supporting its action as a good barrier to microbes.
2. Neti pot and Nasya oil daily:
Nasal wash is a practice in Ayurveda that cleanses the nasal passage and sinuses. This ritual cleans the hairs that filter the air you breathe, disinfects the nasal cavity, clears mucus blockages in the sinuses and stimulates the nerves connected to the sinuses, eyes, and brain. It is wonderful at preventing colds and flus and minimizes allergies and asthmatic symptoms. Done regularly, it decreases congestion and headache, improves energy levels, eases breathing, improves immunity, clears the mind, enhances mental function and memory and deepens the practice of pranayama and meditation.
Nasya is the nasal administration of a medicinal herbal oil, which usually has a sesame oil base. Nasya oil soothes the sinus membranes and contains herbs that promote mental functioning, mental clarity, nerve function, and the reduction of mucous. New studies are finding it even helps prevent Alzheimers. Nasya oil keeps the mucous membrane lubricated, reducing opportunity for viruses and allergies, as well as protecting the mucosal lining from environmental pollution.
3. Start the day with a tulsi and ginger tea. This tea will help to strengthen and cleanse the upper respiratory tract. You can use loose leaf tulsi and add a few slices of fresh ginger root. Steep the mixture with hot water for 10 minutes and enjoy throughout your day.
4. Consume a couple teaspoons of honey a day. Local honey has a unique immune boosting and toxin-cleansing qualities according to Ayurveda. It is wonderful at preventing and combating colds, coughs, itching and water retention.
* Similar to the concept of aged wine, the medicinal qualities of certain substances (like rice, ghee, and honey) are believed in Ayurveda to actually increase over time. So if you're buying honey from your local farmers market, ask them if they have one year old aged honey, as it is what is recommended in the ancient Ayurvedic texts for optimal immunity boosting benefits.
5. Cook your food with ghee (clarified butter). Modern research has started validating what the ancient sages of Ayurveda have known for thousands of years, ghee is tremendously good for you. It is the highest source of butyric acid, a beneficial fatty acid that boosts immunity, supports healthy levels of cholesterol, reduces fatty tissues, increases energy production, and regulates elimination.
BONUS TIP: Take 1-2 teaspoons of Chyavanprash Lehyam daily. This formula comes from the 5,000 year old Charaka Samhita text. It is a powerful rejuvenator, and nourishes the subtle channels of the body. This herbal jam formula revitalizes the body from fatigue, and helps us build our ojas, or our immunity and vitality. One of its primary ingredients is Amla, which is the richest source of vitamin C on the planet!
I have been taking a 1-2 teaspoons a day since the pandemic started. I source a lot of my herbs from this company below. They are very sustainable with how they harvest their herbs and they use traditional formulas. Check our their chyavanprash at www.athreyaherbs.com