Benefits of Self Oil Massage


Alexandra Sargent November 30, 2020

Abhyanga should be resorted to daily. It wards off old age, exertion, and aggravation of vata.

Ashtanga Hrdayam: Sutrasthana II

One of the Four Pillars of health in Ayurveda is Vihar, or our lifestyle. Our daily routines, or self care practices, have a tremendous impact on our quality of life. One of my favorite daily rituals is my self oil massage, also known as abhyanga in sanskrit.

When you look at a newborn baby, you can see and feel the suppleness of their skin. It's soft, smooth, and velvety to the touch. In a way you can begin to make the connection to youth and how moist our skin is. As we get older: things start to dry out. It is the natural cycle of life, and while this natural cycle of life should be honored: it should be noted that we can do many things to make these transitions smoother, and provide greater ease for the body.

In sanskrit the word for oil is also the same word for love, sneha. It makes this beautiful connection that when you carve out time in your day for abhyanga you are giving yourself a ritual of self-love. The largest organ in your body is your skin, and whatever you put on it your body will literally drink it. Hence the power of external oiling.

Health Benefits from incorporating a daily oiling of the body into your morning or evening routine include:

  • Increased immunity

  • Deep, restful sleep

  • Proper circulation and lymph drainage

  • Softer, stronger skin

  • Healthy, lustrous hair

  • Tone and vigor for the body’s tissues

  • Lower’s blood pressure and heart rate

  • Decreases effects of ageing

  • Increase in self love and connection to joy

  • Increased longevity

  • Profound nourishment for the whole body

Beyond the physical benefits, in Ayurveda there is an inherent connection between self oil massage and the psychological benefits: as abhyanga provides us with a deep feeling of stability, grounding, warmth, and emotional comfort.

See Instructions for Abhyanga (daily Self Oil massage) for additional info on what kind of oil to use for your body type and step by step instructions to help you along the way!

Oil massage may sound like a messy and complicated process, but once you’ve learned the basics, self-oil massage starts to become second-nature and well worth the effort.

In Sanskrit, the word sneha can be translated as both “oil” and “love.” So in Ayurveda, there is an inherent connection between enveloping the body in oil and enveloping it in love.


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Instructions For Daily Oil Massage