Pregnancy is the ultimate call for rejuvenation.

~Sebastian Pole

Preconception Care For Couples

Ayurveda has a long tradition of supporting and promoting pregnancy. In fact, Ayurveda emphasizes the preconception period just as much, if not more, than the pregnancy period itself. The preconception time offers a golden opportunity to provide the best of the both of you to your future little one. Ayurvedic preconception care takes advantage of our body’s natural ability to cleanse and renew. No matter what your past experiences with fertility are, Ayurveda offers a complete approach to fertility that embraces both the male and female roles as equally important. 

My goal is to provide the both of you with the physical, emotion, and spiritual support to ensure you bring a healthy baby into the world. The purpose of my support will be to lead you through the journey of preconception preparation before arriving at the doorstep of pregnancy. 

The lens of Ayurveda broadens our vision to see that fertility is more than the physical act of becoming pregnant. Fertility is first about your shift into parenthood, as a couple, which comes before conception. It begins with your first true desire to begin a new family. This desire serves as an invitation to the new soul. 

Pregnancy is a huge milestone in a couple’s life, and every couple wants the best for their baby to be.. The aim of Ayurvedic preconception care is to ensure a healthy pregnancy, along with a healthy baby and healthy mother and father. The following offerings were created to support that desire. 

A Couple’s Ayurvedic Guide To Fertility 

Whats Included?

  • Mother and father to be will both receive a 75 minute health consultation to get a clear picture of their current state of health as it pertains to preconception. 

  • For preconception period each parent to be will also receive four 30 minute additional private support sessions; to answer any questions and to check in on physical and mental health.   

  • Support and access to my program Cleanse & Rejuvenate: a must for cleaning out toxins before conception. 

  • Personalized food guides, herbs, prayers and self care rituals for the 3-6 month phase before conception. 

  • Yoga and pranayama practice for preconception 

  • Fertility practices and physical rejuvenation: detailed instructions for after the cleanse. 

  • Conception support: rituals, mantra, and timing passed down from the Vedas for ideal conception 

  • Janani: once mama to be is pregnant, I will provide her with 9 months of monthly support which will involve dietary recommendations, yoga postures, rituals,  herbal medicines, and more! 



Before any growth or progress towards conception, a cleansing of things that do not serve the couple well must occur. This is a powerful opportunity to start a new blank slate, so that you can offer your highest self to the passage of pregnancy and to parenthood. Anger, grief, toxins, emotional heaviness, in addition to physical toxins all have a profound impact on the future mother’s pregnancy. In fertility cleansing, there is a specific effort to remove toxins and excess dosha from the field, the nutrients and fluid, and the seed. These are all the deeper tissue layers of the body and require deeper cleansing.


Fortify & Rejuvenate

Having pulled the weeds, the rejuvenation phase is the time to make the land fertile with rich thoughts and nutrients. The intention of rejuvenation is to ultimately build ojas, the essence of vitality and immunity. Chakras, the author of the most revered Ayurvedic text, explains the importance of ojas in relation to pregnancy: “it is ojas which keeps all living beings refreshed. There can be no life without ojas. Ojas marks the beginning of the embryo.” Whatever makes you feel more juicy, full, content, and nourished builds ojas.



Consciously entering into the act of conception together, as two adults in harmony, you are signing an unwritten contract that says “we both agree that we are ready to walk toward this next chapter.” This requires belief in each other and faith that things will unfold as they are supposed to. As you both enter this next phase as a united front, you are establishing a foundation of trust that will carry through any rocky waters that may be ahead- whether they are around conception, pregnancy, or parenting.


Embrace the Journey:

Above all, I will help you to embrace the process of becoming parents and hold space for you to also follow your instincts. Because this time in a couple’s life is so loaded with dreams, expectations, and ideas of how things ought to be, we have to remember that this is a natural process. Even will all the support I will provide we must allow the journey into parenthood unfold organically. 

My goal is to help the parents to feel empowered as a couple- emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Ayurveda has remarkable tools and wisdom for completing your family. It is my honor to share them. 


For more information and to connect with me directly for this program, please fill out the inquiry form below.